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(2) Swaco CD 518 HV Slimline decanters centrifuges on trailer, Duplex SS.

STOCK # 11618


Max bowl speed 3200 RPM, 1975 x G, 13.9" x 57.5" bowl ID. 4.3" single lead STC-tiled conveyor, 50 HP XP motor 460/3/60, 15 HP XP backdrive, both with VFD, 57:1 3.5 kNm gearbox, feed tube, guards, vibration switch/isolators, chutes, 20 HP XP Gorman-Rupp 3x3 feed pumps and transfer pump, both with VFD, PLC XP control panel, fluid catch tank level control, unitized on an OPTM-IZER step deck trailer. 2011 vintage. Very good condition.
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